Preventing Bed Bugs from Ruining Your Hotel Business

bed bug

Pest Control Perth – The hotel has high standards of cleanliness, including Preventing Bed Bugs. But, why bed bugs are often found in hotels? There are several reasons to explain this

After a long day of business travel, energy-draining tourist activities, and exhausting backpacking journey, travellers check in to your hotel with the hope of recharging themselves on a comfortable bed to rest their body and have a peaceful sleep.

Preventing Bed Bugs

Unfortunately, just the slightest hint of a bed bug infestation or worse – surprisingly woken up by a bed bug bite can be one of the top causes why they check out from your hotel immediately and never come back. Bed bugs are a turn-off for travellers as well as your hotel business and here are four main reasons why;

Damage hotel brand and online reputation

In this digital era, a good hotel online reputation is important to have. Most people have the tendency to leave reviews before making the decision to book the hotel. Unpleasant stays experienced by hotel guests due to bed bug infestation shared on online reviews indeed creates a negative image of your hotel and its services. In addition, with the massive usage of social media, news easily spreads far and wide, thus further damages the reputation of the hotel establishment. Especially if you operate a hotel chain, a localized problem possibly turns into the whole hotel chain one, as it will be your brand name that becomes associated with bed bugs.

Loss of potential customer and revenue

It is clear that a damaged reputation is undoubtedly a customer repellent. As mentioned before, what travellers seek for in a hotel is a convenient place to rest, hence a single bed bug online report is enough to turn their back at your hotel and book different accommodations instead. Hotel guests that encountered a live bed bug in their room would demand a refund and would most likely not book the same hotel of the same brand in the future. What’s more saddening is with the fewer bookings, a hotel doesn’t have a great bargaining position in the market and forcibly needs to lower its price resulting in lower-income.


Each person can develop different body reactions towards bed bug bites, from a simple itchy red bump to a serious allergic reaction that needs medical help. Hotels have a responsibility to keep its customers safe under common law, hence the bed bugs case which risks guests’ safety in your hotel can be a big deal as hotel owners can indeed potentially be sued.

Extra expense to replace hotel inventory

With the lack of knowledge to spot bed bugs presence and to avoid its infestation as well as ineffective methods to get rid of it, bed bugs can be overgrown and heavily populated. At this stage, as bed bugs are getting out of control, the hotel needs to prepare extra expense to replace the highly-bed bug-infested inventories such as mattresses, sheets, towels, carpets and furniture.

Call Professional Pest Control

It is impossible to make your hotel naturally bed bugs-free because bed bugs are brought in by guests, staff, and products such as laundry and second-hand furniture. Bed bugs rapidly multiply and spread as it can produce 2-3 eggs per day throughout their entire lifespan of several months, hide in unexpected areas also “hitchhike” from one place to another. Due to its life cycle and habits, a professional integrated pest control management is necessary to eliminate bed bugs economically and with minimal danger to people and property.

Don’t let bed bugs ruin your hotel business. Call in for experts in integrated pest control management like Chamber Pest Solutions to save your business. For decades, our service isn’t only limited to remove bed bugs but also take measures such as regular inspection, barriers and pre-emptive baiting to ensure your hotel business stays bed bugs free. Feel free to contact us today.

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