The Expert’s Guide To Keeping Possums Out Of Your Roof


Possums are one of the most iconic Australian animals. However, no matter how cute and cuddly they may seem, it really is no fun when they make their home in your roof. From keeping you and your family awake at night, to damaging your tiles and fly-screens, possums are a major annoyance, and getting rid of them is no easy feat.

That’s why Leaf Free Gutter Guard have compiled ‘The Expert’s Guide To Keeping Possums Out Of Your Roof’, as, with many things in life, prevention is key. It’s always much easier to prevent possums from entering your roof in the first place, rather than having to take on the time-consuming task of getting rid of them.

The team here at Chambers Pest Solutions were asked to contribute our expert opinion to the guide. As possums are herbivores, they feed on tree leaves and fruits that are commonly found in your backyard. One way to prevent possums from entering your roof is to cut back all the overgrown vegetation around your house’s exterior away from any wall lines, and to install outside possum boxes in the trees surrounding your property. This will offer the possums an easier and more tempting alternative for their nesting, rather than setting up in your roof.

Some other possum proofing tips include:

  • Isolating or putting guards and shields around the particular trees that possums love to eat. Lemon trees, camellias and any type of fruit tree are all a possum’s favourite midnight meal.

  • Making sure you take the time to enter your roof at least once a year and seal up any damage, tears or holes. This will make entrance to the roof for possums extremely difficult, as well as protecting your property from the elements!

For more tips on how to prevent possums from entering your roof, take a look at The Expert’s Guide To Keeping Possums Out Of Your Roof. If you’re a little too late and you suspect you may already have some furry housemates, be sure to contact us to discuss a customised solution.

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