Five ways to protect your home from Termites!

Termites. The mere mention of the word can cause homeowner hysteria. These pesky insects silently invade your home and can leave you with a staggering repair bill. Unfortunately we do a lot of things that can attract termites to our homes. Here are a few tips to stave off a full blown attack.


Keep wood off the ground;

·       Piles of firewood, tree stumps, latticework and structural wood should be cleared from the property or be raised at least 15cm off the ground. Any wood that is at soil level is especially appetising for termites.

Keep subfloor ventilated;

·       Termites love moist, damp and poorly ventilated areas. The best way to deter them is by installing adequate ventilation like high flow vents or solar powered fans in crawl spaces and sub floor areas.

Keep moisture away from foundations;

·       Moisture and humidity attract termites so it’s essential to keep dampness away from your foundation. Replace ineffective drainage, damaged and leaking pipes and make sure your gutters and drainpipes are unblocked and working.

Use mulch sparingly;

·       Mulch can make your gardens look fantastic but using it excessively can trap a lot of moisture. A layer of about 5 – 7cm provides adequate coverage for most gardens. Be sure to keep mulch away from any wood framing, stairs or siding.

Regular pest inspections;

The best way to protect your home from termite attack is by carrying out regular pest inspections. Chambers Pest Solutions will check the conditions of the sub floor, roof void, interior timbers and slab for the presence of termites at least every six months to twelve months.

Some home owners are complacent when it comes to the threat of termites because of misconceptions about building materials. Just remember, brick and steel framed homes are just as susceptible to termite attack as wooden framed houses so be vigilant and keep your eyes peeled for any signs of attack.

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