Buying property? Approach with eyes wide open

Once you have purchased the property, you are responsible for the costs, time and hassle required to fix any defects. Approaching the investment decision educated and knowledgeable on current condition enables you to make an informed appraisal on whether, and what you are happy to pay.

Chambers Pest Solutions recommends the following when attending a home open to determine if pest activity is likely:

  • Upon entering the interior, first inspect at a superficial level. Watch out for plumbing leaks, defective flooring, blemished paint surfaces, unsound counter tops, cracked window glass and damaged exit doors that are otherwise operable.
  • Remain inside and scope for deficiencies affecting structural integrity, as well as evidence of previous (currently non-active) wood destroying insect /organism activity.
  • Then walk around the entire exterior and check for holes or cracks anywhere between the ground and the roof. If there are large openings that have been closed up, check the quality of the fix.
  • Establish that the garage, garden shed and garden are all clean and tidy. Check there is no dead leaf litter, debris or trash.

Despite best intentions when attending a home open, it takes the trained eye of a professional to spot pest activity that is well disguised or not noticeable.

Chambers Pest Solutions encourages home buyers to book in a Visual Timber Pest Inspection previous to purchase. We encourage our clients to be present for this complete assessment of a property. This provides you the opportunity to develop a clear understanding of the comprehensive 12 page pest inspection report. We also email or deliver this document to you within 24 hours of the consultation.

The inspection establishes whether there is termite/white ant activity, borer damage, timber fungal decay and any other pest activity or susceptibility. It also arms you with the necessary strategies for prevention, management and eradication.

Get on the front foot, and contact us before you have lined up a property to inspect. When the time comes, we can proceed in a manner that best suits you!

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