Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to empty my kitchen cupboards? No, it’s not necessary to empty cupboards as we apply a gel  to areas where cockroaches nest or harbour. No liquid sprays are applied to these areas.

Is my cat / dog safe? There is no concern to the safety of animals since the amount of active constituent that they may take in, either by contact while it’s wet or by ingesting it orally, is very small.

What do I need to do prior to the Pest Control treatment? Access to room edges is necessary to spray along skirtings. Therefore clothing articles, magazines, toys etc. should be moved off the ground. All food items should be cleared from bench and table tops.

Will the spray you use stain my carpet? No, the emulsion we spray does not stain. It’s a water based residual spray that doesn’t contain strong solvents which might affect colouring or finishes.

Will the spray affect humans? No, it will not affect you. The chemicals we apply are registered to be used in hospitals, schools and public places.

Is it safe to stay in my premises while you spray? It’s safe, but we recommend that you vacate your premises while the treatment is carried out and to ventilate the rooms thoroughly after completion for 3 hours before settling back in.

My child suffers from asthma. Is it safe to stay? To avoid triggering an asthma attack, we recommended that he/she is not present while the treatment is carried out, and preferably stays away from the premises overnight.

What if I touch areas that have been sprayed? Sprayed areas are of some concern while still wet. But once the carrier, which is water from the tap, has evaporated, the active constituent adheres to the surfaces and will not contaminate or harm you. Should you get in contact while it’s still wet though, wash with soap and plenty of water as soon as possible.

Will the gel / paste that is applied to the inside of cupboards contaminate my food? No it will not. The gel / paste is only applied to areas where insects congregate or harbour, like cracks, crevices or hinges.

Will I see cockroaches, spiders or ants after the treatment? Yes, it’s possible that insects may wonder in from outside. Chances are that they will have crossed treated areas and will die shortly after.

How often should I have a Pest Control treatment done? Regularly at intervals of no more than twelve months. Shorter periods may be recommended, according to environment conditions.

Is the treatment guaranteed? No, it’s not guaranteed, but a 3 months warranty is given.

Do I need to wash everything after the treatment? There is no need to wash utensils or surfaces once the treatment is carried out.

I’m planning to have my carpet cleaned. Will that affect the Pest Control treatment? It’s best to do the pest control after carpets have been cleaned or vacuumed.

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